Friday, November 27, 2009

Project Evaluation: General Purpose Quantiative Evaluation Design #3

The next RealWorld (Bamberger, Rugh, Mabry: 2006) project evaluation design (#3) is a more simplified version of the previous two designs, but still considered one of the more robust project designs. It is simplified since it has only two studies: baseline and end-line, which is basically a pre- and post-test. But, similar to the two previous rigorous designs, it includes both participants and a match comparative group.

The cost, time, and data constraints are reduced with this design compared to the previous two designs, but still are relatively substantial, yet nonetheless provide more convincing evidence of project success.

With all three robust quantitative project designs discussed so far it is essential to combine them mixed method qualitative methods that especially focus on overall project implementation (quality), context (social, cultural, economic and political) in which the project occurs, and cases (case studies).

So, the three most rigorous project designs have been presented. Let me know what you think of them or if you have used them, what were the benefits, challenges or drawbacks. Just use the Comments section below.

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